1/28(火) playroom(0~3歳親子グループ)
1/28(火) Playroom
Good morning~,good morning~
てじなでOne, two, three!
こねこを数えてOne, two, three, four!
お家でも Pussy cat, pussy cat, 唱えながら指の追いかけっこしてみてね♪
Good morning μ1-1
Hi -2
the bus μ2-13
She'll be comin' around the mountain μ4-1
Good bye μ1-7
☆Nursery rhyme☆
31 Pussy cat, pussy cat, where have you been?
☆Nursery rhyme2☆
Ⅲ-10 Handy dandy, riddledy ro
Handy dandy, riddledy ro,
Which hand will you have, high or low?
(だるまちゃんとかみなりちゃん シリーズ)
Good morning~,good morning~
てじなでOne, two, three!
こねこを数えてOne, two, three, four!
お家でも Pussy cat, pussy cat, 唱えながら指の追いかけっこしてみてね♪
Good morning μ1-1
Hi -2
the bus μ2-13
She'll be comin' around the mountain μ4-1
Good bye μ1-7
☆Nursery rhyme☆
31 Pussy cat, pussy cat, where have you been?
☆Nursery rhyme2☆
Ⅲ-10 Handy dandy, riddledy ro
Handy dandy, riddledy ro,
Which hand will you have, high or low?
(だるまちゃんとかみなりちゃん シリーズ)